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Smartkids - International Kindergarten Ho Chi Minh City, Saigon
Childcare in Ho Chi Minh City
Childcare in Saigon


Smartkids Childcare

Daily Schedule

Children can spend up to 7 hours a day at SmartKids.

  • Regular opening times will be from 08:00 am to 15:00 pm.
  • Full day program from 08:00 - 15:00 hours.
  • Morning program from 08:00 - 11:30 hours.

Daily rhythm

A daily rhythm is important for children as it gives them confidence and stability. Each day however different activities are carried out. Activities are based on different themes, and can include seasons, festivals and topics related to everyday life.

Daily Program

Time Description
08:00 – 09:00 Free and structured learning through play activities in class.
For the parents, this time can be used for an update/chat with the staff, while enjoying a cup of coffee/ tea
08:30 All children in class
09:00 Tidy-up + toilet time
09:15 “Circle” time (songs, games, talking about themes, unit of inquiry, etc.)
09:30 Snack time
10:00 Outside play and/or Activities inside
Sandpit, riding toys, water-play, music, painting and drawing, modelling and constructing, investigating, dramatic play, puppets, singing, dancing, games, exercising, playing with clay and dough.)
11:15 Tidy-up + toilet time
11:30 - 12:00 Lunch, half day children will be picked up
12:00 - 12:15 Brushing teeth and preparing for nap time
12:15 - 13:45 Nap / Quiet time
14:00 Activities (outdoor or indoor)
14:45 Snack time
15:00 Pick–up time

We also offer after school activities programs at an additional cost, available daily until 4:45 pm.

To keep you updated about the class activities and development of your child, we have teamed up with TODDLE PLAY and use their App to communicate and share special moments and important updates.

Twice a year we will write an extensive report on the progress of you child’s development, where we openly discuss early learning goals to lift your child holistically to an age-appropriate level and to prepare them for their next steps in life.

We also promote and stimulate parents to join the class so every now and then, or to participate in certain activities (reading books or doing an activity). We suggest to coordinate this beforehand with the teacher.